Radio reaches potential buyers with a selling message other media often cannot deliver. Consider these facts about radio:
- Over 97% of the buying public is reached by radio. (Newspapers miss about 25%.)
- 61% of all men at work have access to radio.
- 36% of all adults listen to radio at work.
When advertising on radio, remember this simple rule:
Radio’s low cost makes it possible to achieve greater exposure, even with a limited budget!
Prime shopping hours are from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Consider this:
- 50% listen to radio 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
- 41% use radio to get their morning news.
- 48% use radio as their first source for news.
- 51% of the buying public listen to radio within one hour of their purchase.
—National Association of Broadcasters, The Arbitron Company